Really this post is about unfinished projects and crafts that have been laying around my house.
I have a problem with leaving things 90% done FOREVER and I really do mean a long, long time. Last weekend I was on a mission to finish projects that I already had started instead of starting on new ones. I was mostly successful…
Finished: Grey Fleece Jacket
Jacket and one of the storage boxes. |
I bought the fabric and the pattern for this jacket in February of 2010. I remember because I thought it would make a cute light-weight jacket during the spring. Well, I cut it out. That was it. And then, it sat until February 2011 when I took it out again. I spent about 4 hours sewing (I’m very slow when I’m actually doing a nice job)and then I raced out to JoAnn Fabrics to get buttons/snaps so I could finish it. Well, it sat for another two weeks. But here it is! All done, and I’ve even worn it!
Finished: Fabric Covered Storage Boxes
Thanks to
Katie, I finally finished the boxes I’ve been trying to cover since the beginning of January. I had used packing tape originally, but it was starting to come off. So, I took her advice and hot glued the 2 I had in the works and finished the last one! Yay. Now Nathan’s games really are hidden.
I cut card stock to fit the insides of the box, so if someone peaks in, they don’t have to see that I was too cheap to buy enough fabric to cover the insides, too.
Started and Finished: Kitchen Bottle Silhouettes
I didn’t mean to start a new project. Oops. But I started this one and finished it in two days. I was inspired by a picture on the
Better Homes and Gardens website . So instead of birds – which have nothing to do with my decorating scheme, I used bottles. I found inspiration in a photo from iStock photos ( ). So I cut out bottle shapes on black card stock. Glued them onto forest green card stock (I wanted to use a burgundy color but I didn’t have enough). And then, I stuck them in cheap–o matching frames. Yes please.
Half of my kitchen - my photography skills need serious help |
Started and Finished: RENEW Blocks
So, again I failed at not starting a new project….I’ve been wanting to make pretty blocks for my seasonal shelf. I found valentine blocks on super sale (2.50 for 4) at Meijer. So I had to buy them to repurpose and blocks with a spring time saying on them - you can’t buy plain blocks for that price. Any how, the first try was hideous – I wont even show you the evidence. But the second try was better.
Almost Finished: Fish Tank
I stole Nathan’s fish tank. But of course, I had to scour the whole thing and then rinse the chemicals out exceptionally well. Old dead fish guts and snails – icky. But it’s clean. I’ll post a picture once it has fish in it.
Satin Dress
I finally bought the interfacing for the pattern – I keep holding out on the notion that I will be loosing a few pounds - since the dress is very fitted. So, it could be a while. Did mention that I bought this fabric at the same time as the fabric for the grey jacket?
Burgundy Dress
So, I cut this out and even began sewing this dress over spring break 2010, I think…could have been winter break 2009. But, none-the-less I know I bought the fabric in July 2009 when the long jersey dresses were in style. Needless to say, some one my height does not need to be wearing an ankle length dress – EVER. So the one I’m making is knee length. Maybe someday I’ll finish it. It just needs sleeves and a hem.
Fish Tank
I still need to buy chemical to keep water at a safe pH, food, plants, new light bulbs, a new filter, and of course FISH!