Thursday, February 16, 2012

My Valentine

Valentine's Day was fairly uneventful. Not bad, just low key.

The cutest part of the day - watching a middle school relationship begin! I know it sounds a bit weird, but it was so fun watching two of the sweetest kids in the world beam and blush all day, avoid each other like the plague at the school dance and awkwardly meet the parents when they got picked up. Sometimes the conversations that I over hear at school scare me and make me feel old. They are so young and talk about such adult things. Now I know a lot of it is talk, but a lot unfortunately isn't just talk. It was really refreshing to see 2 middle school students exploring the idea of dating in such an age appropriate manner!

In other news, I made sure Monday night was my night to pack lunches. Nathan got a themed lunch, which I'm sure he rolled his eyes at.

It was completed with a PB + J sandwich cut into a heart!
Thanks BHG February issue and Design Dazzle for the great ideas!

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Super Project Weekend

I didn't partake in the super bowl festivities last weekend. But, I did craft up a super storm.

Nathan and I have had 2 blank canvases for a long time - like since we moved in to our current house back in September. We painted them teal to match the bird in a painting we had in our room and then did nothing else to them. Until I pinned this painting from Etsy and recreated it myself!

This is what I ended up with. Needs some tweaking, but it's certainly better than blank teal canvases.

Then, I went to JoAnn Fabrics and picked up some pretty fabric, ribbon, and upholstery tacks. I used a broken table top and some left over batting to create this....

Trying to hammer the tacks caused me to say a few choice words. But, after all but but 2 of the 24 tacks in the box and a little help from Nathan, we hung my French Picture Board up and I must say, it looks fab!