Friday, August 12, 2016

Days 3 - 5

If the first 2 days were fun but a little shaky, the next three were fabulous!

Janet, Francis (school principal), Amanda

Quick Recap:

We've assigned all the kiddos to 3 groups: Lions, Elephants, and Giraffes. They looked at us a little funny at first, but now they can immediately find their group and their group leader when asked. They've already started forming an attachment to their groups and chant their team names whenever we have little competitions. It's great - just like the day camps I attended as a child.

Wednesday we rotated the groups through 3 activities:
1. Making Oobleck with Amanda
2. Music with Michelle
3. Germs and Hand washing with Janet and Jane

It finally felt like camp. They were all laughing a smiling all day long.

Thursday we went to the field for games. We did relay races as a whole group. They ran, skipped (sort of), crab walked (hilarious - most have never seen a crab), and final a 3-legged race. So, I didn't do the best job explaining a 3-legged race. Like a good teacher, i explained and demonstrated how to go down to the end. What I neglected to tell them - to continue moving as a unit when you turn. They each tried to turn individually and as a result, one kiddo almost always ended up on the ground! Good thing they all thought it was hilarious. I wish I had pictures... I guess you'll just have to gather a group and have a 3-leg race of your own! '

Friday, we had guests at camp. A few months ago, Michelle learned about an organization here in Kenya called Little Einsteins ( They are AMAZING! Michelle reached out to them with some questions about where to get some supplies we needed for camp and they responded and offered to come to camp and run experiments with our kiddos! They came today and they will come again next Friday! For FREE! They are donating their time and resources to come to our camp!

Part of Little Einsteins' mission is to give back to kids in need, but we just never imagined that our request for assistance finding materials would be met with an offer to come to camp. They run after school science activities and school holiday camps. They also run a Saturday program. Camp is still a relatively new concept in Kenya. There are a lot of Vacation Bible Schools but not many camps the way most American's or Canadian's think of camp.

They sent 4 of their staff to camp today. They played games with the kids and did two experiments. The first one was making a tea bag fly. I think we were just as impressed as the kiddos. The second one was about carbon dioxide with a classic baking soda and vinegar reaction. The kiddos were so impressed with the experiments and just loved being called "Scientist so-and-so." They got to wear gloves - most didn't want to take them off for the rest of the day! Next week, we may get a few lab coats and goggles. Keep your fingers crossed for us!

These boys just couldn't stop giggling!

Little Einsteins also lead the group in games. I joined in the balloon races and then was called upon to pop a balloon by sitting on it!

I'm really excited for camp to continue next week! Check back on Monday for more updates! 

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