Tuesday, August 9, 2016

Two Days In

We are having a great time and are slowly working out the kinks in the plans! 
Janet, Michelle, Amanda: Enjoying lunch after Day 1!

On Day 1, we had a few minor set backs. We had a few kids who were not on the list show up. And it's so hard to tell them they can't come back - we just don't physically have the space. But, we also had a few who signed up and didn't show up. So, we may actually be able to add a few of the new ones to the list.

I headed to camp on Day 1 after traveling for 30+ hours and only getting 4 hours of sleep in a bed. So, needless to say my brain was not completely in my head! Amanda and Michelle had been sick all weekend. So, we had to reshuffle an activity we forgot the materials for! I ended up putting my old PE teacher hat on to play games in the school yard.

We have 4 volunteers cooking lunch for all of the kids. Jane, my favorite human ever, one of her friends and 2 of the teachers from the school. There are also 2 local university students helping out with camp. In fact, 4 of the 7 teachers from the school and the school principal are donating their time off to come to camp every day! Now that's dedication!

On Day 2, we walked with the kids to a big field for sports and games. We played soccer (football) and ran around with Frisbee and jump ropes. I love watching the kiddos play. Some of our youngest campers don't speak much English yet (1 of the reasons we are so thankful for our teachers and local volunteers). But play, it's a universal language. I had so much fun playing soccer with the girls (yes we played girls and boys separately....) and with the little ones.

We rested before lunch with a read aloud. I started reading the BFG to some of the older kiddos.

Lunch is by far the highlight of the day! The kiddos come from varied backgrounds. Some come from families who can provide lunch, but most, do not. They are loving having a huge helping of delicious food at camp and it's such a joy and it's humbling, to be able to provide it for them.

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