Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Vegetarian Challenge

The new project isn't a craft project - it's me trying to get healthy again. I kept telling myself that I would get back on track after I got a full time job - routines definitely are good to my body. But, alas, the full time job still alludes me so, it's time for action.

Now, I know eating vegetarian doesn't automatically make you healthier. In fact, it is really easy to over eat on certain foods/nutrients (think cheese and carbohydrates) and really easy to under eat on other foods/nutrients (think complete proteins).

I have been meat free for a week now and while I've noticed digestive changes - no weight change yet. Although, I know it will take time to see real improvement in energy levels and body weight.

Last night I made a zucchini "casserole" - should have been called zucchini quiche. It was tasty but very eggy.
Zucchini Casserole 
 Tonight I made "Mary Lou" Casserole. Any one whose knows this recipe knows it's not vegetarian. Well, it was tonight after I used soy protein (meat substitue) instead of ground beef. For someone who has never experienced the joy of Mary Lou Casserole, it would have been fantastic. But, it just wasn't the same as the real thing. I guess I'll keep experimenting with ways to get quality protein in my diet.

Modified Mary Lou Casserole
Next step: Increase the exercise :)

Mary Lou Casserole*

1 box of pasta (tastes best with white pasta - healthier with wheat)
1 1/2 pounds ground beef
Diced onion
1 family sized can of tomato soup (don't add water)
1 pound of cheese (original recipe calls for velveta, I usually only put in about 1 - 1 1/2 cups of shredded cheddar)
Shredded cheddar sprinkled on top
Basil and oregano to taste

1. Cook pasta (drain and rinse in cold water)
2. Brown meat and saute onion
3. Mix ingredients in a large bowl
4. Spread in a greased 9X13 casserole dish
5. Bake 30 min at 350 degrees until cheese is melted and bubbly and pasta on the top is slightly crispy.

* My family names our food after specific events or random thoughts that occur at the time of preparation. This recipe we ate for the first time at a family friends house and ever since that day (I was 5) it has been affectionately known as Mary Lou Casserole.

Monday, April 4, 2011


I have been trying to post this forever, but my internet keeps being dumb. 

There are some benefits to being "sort of" employed. I guess technically I have three jobs, but none of them are full time and only one is somewhat regular.

I have to say, there are a few perks to this irregular employment. I get to make my own schedule and I can take breaks pretty much when ever I want. Although, these are the down sides, too - I have to be totally accountable to myself and my bank account!

One of the perks of administering surveys for the Indiana State Department of Health, is that I get to travel all over the state. (Down side is that I am putting thousands of miles on my car). But, I've seen some pretty neat (and not so neat) places. Two weeks ago, Nathan joined me on a survey trip to southern-ish Indiana. we didn't stay there, although we are now planning a trip back. We headed over to Cincinnati, OH and Newport, KY. I love that this was a day of "work."

Three states in one day!

Authentic German Beer and Food in Newport, KY.


Proud of his beer.
I "helped..."

Spatzl with chicken

Pretzel with mettwurst

Shopping at Ikea. (No photos...apparently I forgot during this part of the day)

Buying yummy international food at Jungle Jim's.

Reminiscing about the first time we talked. That's a story for another day.

The first time Nathan and I talked was on a bus trip while we were passing through Eaton, Ohio. 

Since my whirlwind of three states, I haven't been anywhere interesting - just a lot of miles in Indiana.