Sunday, March 18, 2012

Pinned this...made that! Talapia and quinoa cakes

Pinned this...

made that!

Quinoa cakes tasted great, but definitely did not hold together AT ALL. Talapia was a bit bland by itself, but  when paired with the rest of the dinner, was very yummy.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Pinned this...made that!

I know I don't have many followers, but the main reason I write this blog is for me to document my own thoughts and adventures as a way to remember, reflect, and reminisce. (And it archives things since I'm terrible at keeping up with my scrapbooks and journals!). So, I'm starting a new series, Pinned this...made that!

I spend so much time pinning recipes on Pintrest and I really want to go back to cooking regularly like I did last year. So I figured I would start a series to document my efforts to cook what I pin. Don't know how long this will last or when I will post. But, it will be fun!

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Makeshift Closet

My projects always seem to back up. Some day I will learn how to not procrastinate or maybe just how to not bite off more than I can chew :)

I've been trying to finish many started projects, but in the mean time, I figured I would share a projects that Nathan and I finished a while ago.

I've been reading the "Love Your Little House Series" at On the Banks of Squaw Creek. Someday when I own my own little house, I will be able to do more permanent projects and buy furniture that fits a space a little better, but right now that doesn't seem practical for a rental.

We have no closets on our first floor, so we had to improvise since I really hate when jackets get thrown over the banister on the stairs. Here's what we ended up with (never mind that I will have a MILLION holes to fill when we move out):


Art by Jennifer Hall

If only it looked this tidy all the time!